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Forum - Support the Rainbow

Join the conversation!  The PFLAG Winston-Salem Forum, Support the Rainbow, is open to everyone.  Please consider the following community guidelines when posting or responding to conversations:

Rule 1: Do not use the forum for illegal purposes, including but not limited to defamation, violation of intellectual property laws, violation of antitrust or unfair competition laws or violation of criminal laws.

Rule 2: Do not intentionally interfere with or disrupt other forum members, network services, or network equipment. This includes distribution of unsolicited advertisement or chain letters, propagation of computer worms and viruses, and use of the network to make unauthorized entry to any other machine accessible via the Forum.

Rule 3: Do not use the Forum for commercial purposes. "Commercial" as used for purposes of evaluating listserv messages means communications whose primary purpose is to advance the business or financial interests of any person or entity, or otherwise to promote a financial transaction for the benefit of the author directly or indirectly. Examples of prohibited communications include advertisements for products or services, notices regarding rental of office space, or direct solicitations of listserv members to purchase products or services.

Rule 4: Do not use this forum for any communication that could be construed in any way as support for or opposition to any candidate for a federal, state or local public office. The Federal law providing for the PFLAG Winston-Salem's tax exempt status absolutely forbids the use of PFLAG resources or facilities, including this forum, in any way that would even appear to support or oppose such a political candidate.

Rule 5: Respect everyone!  This forum was created for everyone to share experiences, ideas, and thoughts that are constructive in nature.  While everyone is entitled to their opinion, PFLAG Winston-Salem will NOT tolerate any post that is hateful, discriminatory, or prejudiced in nature.  We will also NOT tolerate profanity of any kind, nor disrespectful or demeaning language or tone of any kind.  Your post will be immediately deleted and you will be banned from this forum.

About Us

Our mission is to build on a foundation of loving families united with LGBTQ people and allies who support one another, and to educate ourselves and our communities to speak up as advocates until all hearts and minds respect, value and affirm LGBTQ people.

Copyright © 2020 PFLAG Winston-Salem

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PO Box 24334, Winston-Salem, NC 27114-4334

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